It's funny how at the age of 35, I've just realised this. I used to remember when we were young, we use to pretend that we were grown ups, we'd have everything the way we wanted and we would be happy. We used to think that the grown ups ruled the world and we wanted to grow up because we wanted things our way. We wanted to play whenever we want to, we wanted to stay up as late as we can, we wanted all the candy and toys that money can buy.
20-30 years down the road, we're pretty grown up I suppose. We buy all the toys that our money can buy, we buy the latest gadgets, mobile phones, pdas, laptops, cameras, camcorders etc because we have convinced ourselves that we simply cannot live without them. We buy the flashiest, fanciest car we could afford because driving is our greatest pleasure. We sleep as late as we can because we either have lots of paperwork to finish up or insomnia has become our best friend. We have decent well-paying jobs, we have all the toys that our money can buy and we sleep as late as we can. Are we all grown up? Are we all happy?
The older I get, the more I realise that I have a lot more of growing up to do. Growing up is life long journey of self discovery....sometimes we forget that, sometimes we forget to grow up. As long as we remember to grow up, then I think we'll be okay. I think as we grow up, we will realize that happiness doesn't come from all these toys we own or all the candies that we have. It's got to come from within and not from all these material and superficial things. As I watch my children grow up, I remind myself everyday that I too need growing up, I need to learn how to accept and I need to learn how to let go. I need to learn how to love and I need to learn how to forgive. Oh yes....growing up is hard to do.
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